After the brutal murder of his wife, Peter Thorpe escapes to Land’s End to mend his shattered life. The remote island seems idyllic – a picturesque fishing village inhabited by fifty families whose roots stretch back for generations. There is no police force – according to the islanders, there is no crime. But several things about the island are strangely disturbing: Young, once-pretty women who seem old beyond their years; Children who are too obedient, too docile, too well-behaved; Rumors that no one born on the island has ever been allowed to leave. Soon Peter will learn the shocking truth about Land’s End. About the all-powerful Council of Elders that administers its harsh laws. About the chilling meaning of their soft-spoken phrase, “It’s our way.” And, most of all, he will learn what horrible things can happen to a stranger from the mainland who dares to fall in love with the wrong woman.
The idea for this book came to me complete. One night I had a dream so involved and complete I felt as if I had gone to the movies. I got right up and started to write and that dram became Land’s End. In retrospect, I see that a lot of issues – political and social – that had been on my mind came together in that dream.
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